Lalalalalalalalalalalala... wait, what?

You may have noticed something happen at the Oscars...Image result for oscars mistake

Therefore I'm not going to tell you what happened and instead give my opinion on the matter and my opinion is this: A fun anecdote missed.

The important thing to remember about any event is the feelings of those involved in this case the cast and crew of the two respective films. Now anyone would be shocked when something unexpected happening (Brexit, Trump, Hereford United disbanding, Ranieri, draws to Santiago Colts U15 etcetera) however it is about the aftermath and their thoughts looking back in hindsight appeared to be tongue-in-cheek humour. Both Emma Stone and Moonlight director Barry Jenkins seemed more focused on the eventual result and were happy to laugh off the 'misunderstanding'.
But surely things have become out of hand.
Over the following decades this could've become a funny story. This could've become an 'I was [insert location here] when they messed up the 89th Oscars (academy awards)' We could in future years mull over the humour of the error over a glass of something alcoholic. But yet here we are as the Academy have to announce that the two accountants in charge will be replaced!! Doesn't that imply that the academy believe that such an event is liable to happen again and that the current recruits (see top) will fail again! And even if it does, this could become a running theme.
However here we are with the humour once again snuffled by the elite as part of a faceless efficiency scheme.
Still, at least the UK political situation can match the U.S for dullness...
Image result for uk politics dull
FACT of the IPoT:
Congratulations to Andrew David Baynes and 'Chocolotte'
for winning themselves an invisible car! 


  1. Is it an imaginary car or an invisible car cuz either way I can't drive and am gonna have a hard time selling it.


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