Does the public expect too much of UK politicians?
Since I last wrote anything here, this blog has had an enforced minor rebrand, and the owner has spent much time procrastinating about doing something meaningful with this time off from normality. I have continued to enter writing competitions when they emerge and I am grateful to all of you who voted for my article in openDemocracy's competition about the state of the world post-Covid. I will no doubt upload that at some point, but first I want to share my entry to this year's Political Studies Association competition in association with the Financial Times. Some of you may remember that my entry to last year's competition was rather well-received, with a trip to Parliament corresponding with my second place overall. Whilst I won't be off to Westminster this year, I'd like to share my article here - first written in April of this year - for you to formulate an opinion on it for yourself. Stay safe! Does the public expect too much of UK Politicians? The p...